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London system on chess vs...d5 with eary ..e6 المشهد الثالث

When Black plays ... Nd7?! to challenge White's e5-knight, always be aware of the bishop sac on h7. As in this game, it may work in the most unlikely cases. If you get your queen to h5 and a knight to g5, make sure Black cannot cover h7, either with a knight that has access to f6 or with a bishop on the b1-h7 diagonal. It would be wise to memorize the first 15 or so moves of this game. This is a forcing line and the fact is that even titled players don't study the London because of its harmless reputation. 1-0 عندما يرجع الاسود بالفرس لتكسير ومطارده فرس الابيض فى مربع e5

In Londons which transpose to Reversed Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange lines, White only has to worry about a single weakness on c3. With moves like Re3! you can simultaneously defend c3 while building your kingside attack

في Londons التي تنقل إلى خطوط Revitsed Queen's Gambit Deciled Exchange ، لدى White القلق فقط بشأن ضعف واحد في c3. مع تحركات مثل Re3! يمكنك في وقت واحد الدفاع عن C3 أثناء بناء هجوم kingside الخاص بك.


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