The London system on chess vs ..d5.. with early e6 ...Figure V biko chess 25 أغسطس 2019 When ...Nh5 and ...Nxg3 are played, Black may get clever and castle queenside. In these cases, vigorously pry him open on that wing with dx... أقراء المزيد
london system on chess vs d5...with early ...e6 Figure IV biko chess 04 أغسطس 2019 If you plant a knight on e5 and your opponent refuses to take it, then carry out the manoeuvre Bg3! followed by f4. You get a Rever... أقراء المزيد
London system on chess vs...d5 with eary ..e6 المشهد الثالث biko coach 09 يوليو 2019 When Black plays ... Nd7?! to challenge White's e5-knight, always be aware of the bishop sac on h7. As in this game, it may work in the... أقراء المزيد
LearningChess is like a great, powerful and versatile chess coach by your side biko chess 01 أكتوبر 2018 LearningChess is like a great, powerful and versatile chess coach by your side. Teach you the concepts and basics of chess from the alph... أقراء المزيد